If you live in a hard water area chances are that you’re spending a lot of time dealing with limescale. Limescale is the chalky white and crusty film which builds up in and around appliances, taps, tubs, and toilets. This is calcium carbonate which is left behind after water evaporates from those areas.
Ten limescale-busting tips
With time, these deposits can lead to limescale build-up, stains, lack of shine, and can eventually lead to peeling of chrome surfaces. By using a few easy tips though it is easy to get rid of limescale. Try these:
- To clean taps, soak a cloth or paper towel in vinegar and wrap it around them. You can use a rubber band to keep it in place. Let it sit for an hour and then softly wipe it with a clean and dry cloth.
- Another easy trick is to create a paste made up of one part water and three parts baking soda. Apply the paste to the fixture, leave it for an hour, and then gently wipe it clean.
- Appliances like dishwashers and washing machines can be brought back to life by a simple treatment of water and vinegar. Just drop a cup or two (depending on how bad your limescale build-up is) into the machine and just run it through with hot water. Wipe with a dry cloth when it’s finished and you’ll see it sparkling once more.
- You can get rid of stains on the toilet bowl by rubbing a wet pumice stone over it.
- Another way to clean the toilet bowl is to lay vinegar-soaked paper towels on the limescale stains and remove them after a while. Leave on for as long as it needs for the stains to dissolve out.
- Alternatively, mix equal parts of vinegar and borax to make a solution and pour it into the toilet bowl. After two hours, clean it with the brush and you’ll be back to having a clean toilet.
- If a tap has build-up which is affecting the flow of the water, fill a plastic bag with vinegar and tie it to the tap. This should be done in such a way that the tap opening is submerged in the vinegar. After leaving it for some time, remove the bag and you should have a free-flowing tap again.
- To clean a kettle, boil two tablespoons of water softener in water for about 2-3 minutes. If necessary, repeat the process and then rinse the kettle with clean
- A paste of cream, tartar, and water can also be used to clean a sink.
- You can cut a lemon into two halves and use each of them to scrub off the stains from shower tracks, shower doors, and walls.
New bathroom needed?
If limescale damage is too much and you are looking to upgrade your bathroom and kitchen fixtures, then get in touch with London City Plumbers. We can help to repair damage as well as refit your kitchen and bathroom. For a free quote, call 020 8226 5499.